peach yogurt

I swear, the colour of my peach yogurt is salmon.
And that is so wrong, soured milk isn't supposed to look like fish. Even if it's peach flavoured.

It's not BL. It's not shounen-ai. It's not romance. It's not love.
It's yaoi. PORN. Get that through your thick fangirl heads!!!!!

Quote courtesy of a very very horny member of mangafox. x)
Helpful should I ever need to explain what yaoi is again.

P.S. My history revision was so epic it failed.

cloudy with a chance of sunshine

Hem. So it's the 3rd day of the exam period now and it has gone all right so far.
Thank god. I'm kinda relieved yet tentative.
You never know what to expect.
Tomorrow will be the day I disappoint my mother. I'm so sorry, mum. I know and I am aware and I am so fucking positive that I will fail Maths.
And the best thing?
It is entirely and wholly and it's all my fault.
I'm sorry.
I didn't even try. I didn't want to lift/flip/scan through the pages of my Maths textbook/notebook.
Which is what I would be doing now, except that I have decided to come on blogger instead.

Stupid, stupid computer D:<

But hey, I may come out of this period with sustainable injuries (:
After all, I am fully resolved to tackle O'level Chinese after this crap.
And I shall embark on my Reinforced Studying Plan.

Off to do my compulsive typing now. And that means one hour with the keyboard, my history textbook and nothing else. D:

Rambling is the most of life

Hello :D
And I'm here again to update my blog.
Most blogs are on hiatus due to EOYs but NO, NOT ME? YOU KNOW WHY?
omg. I scare myself sometimes.
Shit. I began revision waaaayyy too late this year so I will fail with the utmost confidence. No joke.
I am starting to get incoherrent. Bye.

P.S. By the way, I am shitassfreak scared of what will happen to me. In case you haven't figured that out yet.

Checking in to Hotel 626

Hello :D
I ought to feel less than happy due to my maths CA results, but strangely I feel...relieved.
In any case, I'm here to do an intro (i.e. reiterating info which can be found anywhere else on the net.) on Hotel 626, an online haunted house.

The first thing I noticed about the name, was that it was a digit away from Satan's number, 666.

Start getting any ideas yet? :D

Hotel 626 is jointly produced by Goodby and B-reel for, get this, DORITOS. Which is so fucking unbelievable, considering the game has nothing at all to do with chips.
Oh, and by the way, Goodby and B-reel has just released (23/09/09) yet another project for Doritos, known as Asylum 626, which basically runs on the same concept except you play in a madhouse instead of, well, this madhouse.


In any case, my focus today is not on Asylum, but Hotel, so let's get started shall we? :3

WARNING: The following images may make you feel more than uncomfortable. Click all images to enlarge :D

Hotel 626 (and Asylum) only allows you to play between the hours of 1800 to 0600, in order to make your experience a more chilling one. This problem, however, can easily be solved by changing the time of your computer :D

Check out the Doritos inspired loading sign :D Proof that our friendly capitalist company did have a hand in this.
That, basically is your loading screen. Looks ornate and suave. What a swanky hotel. Except...wait, is that a bit of blood you're seeing?

About 3 seconds after your page has finished downloading, Mr Creepy Face + moaning noise comes out to greet ya.
If your clock is not yet set to any time after 6pm and before 6am, now is the time to do it. Otherwise, you'll be greeted by this screen asking you to book a reservation (giving a name and email address so that they can notify you).
Once your time problem is settled, your screen should look like this:

In honor of my friend, I have written my name as "Superstar Qianpin" :3 But that is not point.
See the red words? Apparently, 15 years of age still qualifies you as a "child" D:< style="font-style: italic;">play

Follow the instructions, kiddies! xD
Seriously. You need to on your headphones/speakers/mic in order to complete this game.
Basically, you get run through some scenes before the main action starts (watch out for the Doritos logo!). There are 10 stages of this game, as marked by the lines at the bottom left corner of the screen. Each time you pass a stage, one of the lines turns red and bloody.
There's no need to complete a stage successfully to advance to the next as Doritos are kind enough to offer you a "skip" alternative:

This is what would appear were you to fail a stage.
You play as this sleep-induced, hungover (probably) meth junkie (even more probably), who wakes up and just felt that he had to get out of this shit-hole of a hotel he came into in the first place. Just, you know, his physic magnetism working. Riiiight. Anyway, that sets the plot for the entire game (although it's a tad cliched).

Mary-jane? Is that you? Woah, baby, you're on fire.
Complete the tasks, and you are ready to advance to the next level. The action happens really fast, and can get real creepy, so be prepared. A good thing to do, is to play with your parents xP

Check out Cam-Shy, the polar opposite of Cam-Whore.
This is one of the levels in the game and your goal is to get a mugshot of Cam-Shy, this idiot of a girl who has insecurity problems. You spend most of your time swivelling your camera around the room (which has this constant drip-drop-plop sound of water) trying to get her to smile and say cheese.

...which she does, eventually.
At least, take comfort in the fact that Doritos actually hired real people to act these out. I mean, she is real unlike the lady you may find in your hotel bathroom.

Meet Air Pollution, the guy that sneaks up on you, sidles around corners, lurking around and chasing you around the hotel the whole time.
You can spot him anywhere in the game :D
Just try to keep a lookout for him, cause everytime you spot him, YOU MUST GET INTO THE NEAREST DOOR/OPENING ASAP! Otherwise, it's "try again" for you.

Hey look! A sweet looking child :D Possibly the only normal person around here...
Oh my holy ass, what the motherfuck?!
Hotel 626 is really one hell of a rollercoaster ride. I played it in the afternoon (due to lack of time, not because I'm chicken, you ass) and I have to admit, even I was spooked. This is really surprising, cause I grew up on horror movies (practically).
By the way, I had my volume turned on max :D

One of the levels which I really hate:

Say hello to our good friend, Wanker.
We meet him in one of the later levels (7, I think). What happened is that you were knocked out by Air Pollution or one of the other ectoplasm friends. And hereby you end up in this dungeon with Wanker. He makes deep panting breathing noises, speaks in an incoherent babble (which is the task, by the way. you're supposed to derive a code from it.) and generally misleads people into thinking he's, well, masturbating.
And to cap things off, he's in a thrift suit of bondage made of prisoner's rags and loose cloth. How fucked up can you be?
If you do not manage to derive the code in 2 tries, you die. Let's see what happens:

Wanker: Hey Lovely. You look good enough to eat ;D
You turn around, and there he is! He has gone out of his bondage gear and he tries his best to look as suave as possible.
Then, he reaches for the switch, and...

*scampering sounds*
YOU: huff puff huff puff huu huu huu huu...AHHHH!!!

I hate that all the hotel rooms are like that. Spot the girl (:
One of the more unique aspects of the game; your webcam plays a vital role in this.
Remember when they asked you for permission to use your webcam?
Well, apparently, they will have taken your photo sometime in the game (you wouldn't know this!) and see where it is now:

Hahaha (: Yes, they take your photos and put it together with others all over the world.
The aim of this level is to select your photo from all the other players before the time runs out. xD

It was just too bad my webcam wasn't working D:
This screen shows up at the end, by the way.

Now we've come to the end of our journey and you can finally escape this madhouse of a hotel. You escape through the corridors, and burst out of the doors, down the steps and into your vintage car. You exhale a long breathe and check your rearview mirror just like any good driver.

Wanker: Don't go. I'm still hungry...
And that's how the game ends (:
It's really good to relieve your boredom or just to scare the shit out of yourself.
Either way, it's an experience worth trying.



The first post

P.S. Did you know that the Black Eyed Peas are called 黑眼豆豆 in Chinese? xD the first post :D
Pardon my obsessive use of smileys :D
It's just that MMORPG game communication has really got to me. To get across a certain emotion, your only tool is :D :O XP *___* @_@ get the point ._.

As usual, my brain is crammed full of stuff to say, but I can only write out this much at 11:15p.m. Night isn't my drug.

This really cool website

Ok. I've been following this website for about 2 years now, way back in Secondary One, when I was bored and the Internet was my life. Now that I think about it, it still constitutes a great part of my life, albeit not as large as it was in Sec One.

Basically what goes on in here is that this guy reviews movies. Not just any movie, but really shitty ones. Movies with a B-grade budget, but a D-grade plot. Sometimes, he does classics too (which is how I knew about "Nightmare on Elm Street", "Halloween", "Saw", "The Blair Witch Project", and yes, "Pet Shop of Horrors", which is a yaoi manga/anime for those who don't know.) If you guys don't know any of the films, you people are seriously in need of education. And who better to learn it from then Jared Von Hindman? :D Ok, I admit that was a little biased, but hey, the world ain't fair.
You may be asking, who the fuck is Jared Von Hindman? Smells fishy. Well, that's the guy running the website we were talking about. I agree that "Von Hindman" sounds a bit weird, and I doubt (ok, I just don't fucking buy a word of it) that his real surname is that. Von Hindman is just a tad too...Gothic and reminds you of Count Dracula's distant cousin's brother's distant uncle's relative.

He does reviews of porn too, (but HEY I DON'T READ THEM. MOM, IF YOU'RE READING THIS NOW, I SWEAR IT'S TRUE. ) but as you probably can discern right now, most of his reviews are centered around horror movies. Unless you really are in need of education, in which case, may I suggest Jared again? :3

This guy. What can i say? I think he's really a nerd/geek at heart (who plays Dungeons and Dragons? D: My God.), but somewhere along the way to adulthood, he managed to acquire some cool genes as well. He's scathingly funny, sometimes obscenely, but his unique viewpoints may never fail to make you laugh.

Oh, and a sidenote: He paints too.

I've mentioned that I've been following his website since 2007, and I've to say, he changed. His life took a better, capitalist turn, and hey man, I'm happy for him. He's (finally) getting recognised, taking on projects, earning $$$ and basically, getting his life on track. But I have to say, it was a double-edged sword. More time on his "Top Secret Non-Disclosure Agreements" shit means less time to update. So what you would actually unearth in there are all his old articles, a musty big archive of shit movies.

How cool can your day get? ;D


Bleh. I wanted to write more, but time doesn't allow and neither does my father.
Halo 3: ODST got raving reviews. It smashed them critics yo :D I NEED TO HAVE ONE SOON DAD!